A State Championship Event!
FEB. 25 New Jersey State Elementary Championships
5SS, G/30 d5. Brookdale College, 765 Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ 07738. Student Life Center, use Parking Lot #7 or #6; 5 minutes from Garden State Parkway exit 109. 2 Sections: Elementary (K-6) & Primary (K-3). All: Trophies to top 15 individuals, top 5 teams. Elementary & Primary: Top 5 in each grade. Rds.: 10 am then ASAP. Top 4 scores constitute the team score for Elementary; top 3 for Primary. EF: $35 before 2/18, $50 at site. USCF memb. req’d. Reg.: 8-9:00am After 9:00am 1/2 point bye for round 1. Info: 732 259-3881. Ent: Hal Sprechman, 66 Cromwell Ln., Jackson, NJ 08527 or online by Feb 24 at www.NJSCF.org. Entries must include name, grade, school, section, date of birth, USCF ID and expiration date, mailing address, email address, phone number and entry fee. Checks made out to NJSCF