May 20, 2018 NJ State North Girls’ Championship
4SS, G/60; d5. ICA Glen Rock, 354 Rock Rd, Glen Rock NJ (973) 219-6877. Trophies to Top 8 players. First place player is New Jersey’s representative for the National Girls Tournament of Champions during the US Open 2018. The winner will receive a stipend from the NJSCF if she participates in the NGTOC. Entries postmarked by 5/14/18 to Diana Tulman, 28 Canterbury Lane, New Milford NJ 07646 or online at Checks should be made out to NJSCF. Entry fee: $35, onsite: $45 Registration: 9:00-9:45am. Rounds: 10:00am, 12:30pm and 3:00pm and ASAP. Email or go to for more information. Playoff between first place winners from North and South winners to be held June 10 at Chess Kings and Queens Academy 1030 Stelton Road, Pisctaway NJ.