5SS, G/30 d5. Brookdale College, 765 Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ 07738. Student Life Center, use Parking Lot #7 or #6; 5 minutes from Garden State Parkway exit 109.
JHS (K-9). ALL:
Trophies to top 15 individuals, top 5 teams. Rds.: 10am then ASAP. Top 4 scores constitute team score. EF: $30 before 2/16, $45 at site. USCF memb. req’d. Reg.: 8-9:00 am. After 9:00 am, half-point bye for round one. INFO:732-259-3881, hsprechman@characterkings.org. ENT: Hal Sprechman,P.O. Box 1511, Jackson, NJ 08527 or online by Feb 22 at www.characterkings.org Entries must include name, grade, school, date of birth, USCF ID #, & expiration date, mailing address, phone number & entry fee. Checks made out to NJSCF.