Visit the NJSCF website for the link to NJ Chess League.
- Read and understand the Rules section of the Chess League.
- Build your team (refer to rules section, Team Lineups for section chosen and rating limits of players). Teams must be 4 players minimum and a max of 2 alternates are highly recommended. A maximum of 2 out of State Players are allowed per Team, but REMEMBER, the out of State players must conform to bullet point 3 under KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER).
- Choose the Captain. Captains have a lot of responsibility for your Team. The Captain can also be a player on the Team but it is recommended that the Captain’s be on the Team as an alternate or not list themselves as a player.
- Go to the link for registering your Team. Payment is $40 per Team. Credit Card or Paypal is accepted.
- Complete the registration Process.
- Wait for emails sent to each Team Captain that will announce the Pairings for the next match date.