An Event Supported by the New Jersey Chess Federation
2nd Annual
South Jersey Open
Dr. Leroy Dubeck Cup
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
December 27-28, 2014
$10,000 guaranteed!
5SS, G/90 d5. Holiday Inn, 2175 Marlton Pike W, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002, across from Garden State Park – 5 miles from Philadelphia City Center. $10,000 guaranteed prize fund. In 5 sections. Open: $1200-500-250-100, clear win $50 bonus, top Under 2300/Unr $400-200. Under 2100: $$1000-500-250-100, top U1900/Unr $400-200. Under 1800: $900-450-200-100, top U1600 (no unr) $400-200. Under 1500: $900-450-200-100, top U1300 (no unr) $300-100. Under 1200: $300-200-100, trophies to top U1000, U800, Unr. Unrated may not win over $150 in U1200, $300 U1500, or $500 U1800. Top 4 sections EF: $90 online at dubeckcup2014.eventbrite,com by 12/1, $100 by 12/25 all $110 at site, or online until 2 hours before rd. 1. GMs/IMs free; $100 from prize. Under 1200 Section EF: All $50 less than top 4 sections EF. All: Re-entry $50. No checks at site, credit cards OK. Schedule: Reg. ends Sat 9:45 am. Rds. Sat 10, 2 Sun 10, 2, 5:30. Half point byes available all rounds, limit 2 byes, must commit before rd. 2. HR: $99, 1-(856) 663-5300, reserve by 12/3 or rate may increase, ask for Chess rate.Questions:, 703-989-6867. $15 service charge for refunds. Advance entries posted at