5SS, G/30 d5. Brookdale College, 765 Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ 07738. Student Life Center, use Parking Lot #7 or #6; 4 miles from Garden State Parkway exit 109. 13 Sections: Play only in your grade! Grades K- 12: Trophies to top 10 individuals, top 3 teams – top 3 from each school/grade; 50% of players receive trophy or medal!; Rds.: 10am and ASAP. EF: $35 by 11/11, $55 at site. USCF mem req’d. Reg.: 8-9:00am After 9:00am 1/2 pt bye rd. 1. Info: 732 259-3881 Halsprechman@gmail.com Ent: Please make checks payable to NJSCF and send to Hal Sprechman, 66 Cromwell Lane, Jackson, NJ 08527. Entries must include name, grade school, date of birth, USCF ID # & expiration, mailing address, phone number & entry fee, please include email address. Register online at: www.njscf.org/register until midnight 11/16.
Bonnie-Brae Charity Chess Tournament
Bonnie-Brae is an organization that empowers struggling youth and families through comprehensive care and education. Chess is becoming part of that for their residents. We