5SS, G/30 d5. Brookdale College, 765 Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, NJ 07738. Student Life Center, use Parking Lot #7 or #6; 4 miles from Garden State Parkway exit 109. 13 Sections: Play only in your grade! Grades K- 12: Trophies to top 10 individuals, top 3 teams – top 3 from each school/grade; 50% of players receive trophy or medal!; Rds.: 10am and ASAP. EF: $35 by 11/11, $55 at site. USCF mem req’d. Reg.: 8-9:00am After 9:00am 1/2 pt bye rd. 1. Info: 732 259-3881 Ent: Please make checks payable to NJSCF and send to Hal Sprechman, 66 Cromwell Lane, Jackson, NJ 08527. Entries must include name, grade school, date of birth, USCF ID # & expiration, mailing address, phone number & entry fee, please include email address. Register online at: until midnight 11/16.

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World Amateur Team and US Team East 2024

Prizes All prizes will be mailed out on or about March 19th. Please email with any questions. PHOTOS Gallery STANDINGS Final Standings CHARTS Team