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A state scholastic event for grades K-9 for players both from and beyond New Jersey.  New organizer!  Date: Sunday, February 26, 2023.  Format: 5 round Swiss, G25;d5.  Location: Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, NJ; Student Life Center near parking lots 6 and 7. Approx. 1 mile from Parkway exit 109. By train: North Jersey Coast Line train to Red Bank, NJ, 4 miles away. Sections: K-2, 3-6, and 7-9.  Players wishing a challenge may select a higher section during registration; this cannot be changed on the day of the tournament. Equipment:  Only boards and sets are provided; players should bring their own clocks.  Teams: A school’s top 4 scores in each section (3 for K-2) will make up the team score.  Individual Prizes: The top 15 players in each section will receive a trophy.  Team Prizes: The top 5 teams in each section will receive a trophy. Arrive: Please arrive by 9:15AM.  Rounds: 10 AM, Noon, 1:30, 3:00, and 4:30.  Byes: One half-point bye may be requested for round 1-4. It must be requested in writing at least one hour before scheduled round start.  Entry fee: $40 if submitted online or postmarked by February 16; $55 after.  Registration: Online at njscf.org, or by mail to Stephen Lorimor, 50 Springholm Drive, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 (include name, section, school, grade, date of birth, USCF ID and expiration date, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, and entry fee).  Checks made out to NJSCF. Registration closes February 25, 8pm.  No onsite registration.  Chief TD: Stephen Lorimor.  Contact: tournaments.njscf@gmail.com.

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Prizes All prizes will be mailed out on or about March 19th. Please email tournaments.njscf@gmail.com with any questions. PHOTOS Gallery STANDINGS Final Standings CHARTS Team